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Club Charter

The chaotic Wargaming club Constitution. Amendments or addition to this constitution can be proposed by any club member in advance of a club meeting.

This is intended to be a living document and maybe subject to changes (as donated by i/ii/iii under the appropriate section)

1. Purpose and Identity

1.1 The organisation is called Chaotic Wargaming club.

1.2 chaotic Wargaming club is a non-profit organisation, which aims to support and encourage members and individuals in the hobby of collecting, painting and gaming with miniatures, table top games, card games, board games and role playing games

1.3 The Club maintains an active presence on social media,

2. Membership

2.1 Membership is available for a 12 month period to anyone over the age of 18. Becoming a member requires a payment of £10 and the completion of a contact details form

2.1.1 All information given to the club is for club use only and will not be shared with any third party

2.1.2. Renewal of member ship will be required at the end of each membership period to retain membership

2.2 Membership grants a reduced fee at gaming evenings and the ability to vote in club decisions

2.3 An annual survey will be carried out in order to determine members, gaming preferences and to update contact details.

3. The Council

3.1 The Council will consist of at least a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. In addition, there may also be council positions who represent specific game systems or assets. All positions are agreed and elected by the members at a vote

3.1.1 The Chairman has responsibility for: overall management of the Club, ensuring each Council member carries out their responsibilities appropriately and compiling the yearly report of Club activities at the AGM.

3.1.2 The Treasurer has responsibility for: control of payments to or by the Club, reporting accounts at the AGM. Keeping of the clubs accounts and records pertaining to the accounts.

3.1.3 The Secretary has responsibility for: taking notes at Club meetings, distributing meeting notes to Club members, promoting Club meetings, taking minutes at all meetings

3.1.4 System Gurus have responsibility for: being a liaison between relevant Club members, a general understanding of the system they represent, championing and promoting the system. should any rule disputes arise with regards to a system it is the gurus responsibility to make a ruling with the games best interest at heart and then up date the relevant ruling on the house rules page to prevent confusion.

3.2 Other positions may have a responsibility for: the website, supporting or running events and any other responsibilities as required by the chaotic Wargaming Club.

3.3 Liability: Any financial or legal liability incurred by Council members in the rightful exercise of their responsibilities will not be a personal liability but will be the responsibility of the Club as a whole. Within the confines of reasonable.

4. Meetings

4.1 The Club will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year to which all members are welcome. Which is to take place on the last Friday gaming evening in November

4.2 Each AGM will include (as a minimum) a report on Club activities over the year, a report on Club finances and a projection of the clubs intentions for the year ahead

4.3 Other meetings may be held throughout the year and will be ‘Club meetings’

4.3a Evenings that incorporate Club meetings will have a reduction in fees for all members to compensate for the disruption to gamimg. all members of the Club are welcome to attend or may proxy there vote to another member should they be unable to attend

4.3b Any club member may call for a club meeting at any point as long as it is seconded by at least one other member

4.4 All club meetings are to have minutes taken and a digital copy of those minutes are to be placed on the chaotic Wargaming club facebook group with in one week of the meeting.

4.5 Reserved issues: The replacement of council members must be made at a club meeting. If a Club meeting is to involve the alteration of a Council member, this must be promoted alongside the meeting. Given the nature of council positions, their position can only be replaced by a 75% vote in favour of the change.

5 Chaotic Wargaming Club Assets

5.1 Chaotic wargaming  Club assets consisting of but not limited to terrain, gaming boards, merchandise, and funds  belong to the members. Their use and acquisition is directed via members vote

5.2 Any donated assets are retained by the members responsible for providing them.

6. Code of conduct

6.1 Club members and visiting non-members will at all times adhere to the following standards of behavior:

6.1.1 There will be no verbal or physical abuse (including threats of violence) of any member or visiting non-member.

6.1.2 There will be no discrimination of any kind by any member or visiting non-member towards any other person at the club meetings. This includes but is not limited to discrimination on grounds of: class; ethnic origin, nationality, social standing, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, mental, physical ability; political or religious belief.

6.1.3 As the facebook group is a Club asset, these standards extend should extend to this medium

6.1.4 The use of extreme profanities is prohibited

6.1.5 damage to club assets or breach of the buildings code of conduct is prohibited

6.2 Any breaches to these standards of behaviour will result in a club vote on appropriate action to be taken  . In the first instance of unacceptable conduct a warning will be issued along with either a suspension or a ban from Club ran events for a duration determined by the members. In second instance, or an extreme one-off cases depending on severity of the incident, a permanent ban will be implemented with immediate effect and Removal of ‘member’ status without reimbursal of membership fees